Friday 11 October 2013

Boring Life in Malacca 22_10

    I loved Malacca. I loved this vigorous, sprawling inconsequential town. Malacca is a place where I have been living for 19 years. It seems like living in Malacca is an exiling for my life.

    This was my first semester break. During this break, I did nothing. The rest of the week was uneventful. But when i opened my eyes in this morning, something was special and different.

   It was the light. It was a blinking signal from my handphone. I read that message. She needed some papers, so I got some papers for her.

    I felt a spasm of panic as I stared at her single-edged eyelid. I wasn't comfortable with expressing my emotions out loud. I flushed tomato red.